Sunday, 30 December 2012

New Year Specials

Do you make a new year's resolution every year that you struggle to keep?
Are you looking to have more energy, better sleep and to feel happier and healthier?
Do you struggle to lose weight no matter how focused you are?

Friday, 28 December 2012

Dairy Free Cashew Cheese Sauce

I have had to give up dairy while breastfeeding as it affects my daughters reflux and I have found it super challenging finding some good replacements for all forms of cheese. This recipe is a dairy free cheese sauce, its soooooo easy and super yummy, you can add it to your lasagna, vege bake or even your macaroni cheese! Try it for a healthy alternative to your normal cheese sauce you will never look back!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Mixed Quinoa Salad

My beautiful mother in law bought this salad to a family house warming a few weeks back and it was amazing! It was so good I had to steal the recipe to make for my mum while I am back in New Zealand. I have made a couple of adjustments to the original but you can too to suit your own taste or in season vegetables. Why not add it to your list of dishes for Christmas Day!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Apple vs Coke?

So my dietitian says I can have margarine but not avocado and I can have diet coke but not an apple. Tell me where did we go so wrong?

Now I don't consider myself as the general public when it comes to diet knowledge, I am a qualified Personal Trainer and avid researcher of all things health, I like to meet new ideas with an open mind so that I can continue to learn. But something about this advice doesn't sit right and it concerns me this is the advice given to the general public. So it got me thinking, how do we know what information is truth and was is not. I talked about truth earlier so for now I want to touch on knowledge of health.

When you come down with some abnormal sign or symptom in your body or even your child's, what is the first thing you do? Do you wait until you can get an appointment to see your doctor? Of course not, don't get me wrong this is a step in the process but not usually the first. The first is usually Doctor Google PhD of 'I know everything there is to know about everything'. When you cipher through that sea of information, do you go, ooo yes I have that symptom, and yes now you mention it I do feel that way. OMG I have cancer, schizophrenia, and I am a fish. Hmmmm, really? I bet in most cases your doc says otherwise.

So how do I know what to believe and what not to believe?

Monday, 10 December 2012

Super Quinoa

Native to South America and once a staple foods of the Incas, Quinoa, pronounced 'Keenwah' is all the rage at the moment.  You have probably seen it in some of my recipes such as Mixed Quinoa Salad and Tomato Quinoa salad. A couple of big reasons why I use it often are its high in protein (great for vegos or vegans) and its gluten free, this is because it is not actually a grain but a seed. There are however so many other juicy benefits, so much so that some call it a super food. Here are some of the amazing benefits of Quinoa.