We have already looked at the harmful ingredients in our cleaning products and some alternate natural options. Today we look at skin care and cosmetics. This is oh so important! Our skin is our largest organ of our beautiful body and laps up everything we put on it. Would you eat the products you use on your skin?
Some of the common ingredients in the products you use everyday and some natural alternatives:
Phthalates can also be
found in perfumes, deodorants and hair sprays, as well as nail polish. This
chemical is carcinogenic and disrupts hormones that are increasingly being
linked to reproductive disorders. In children Phthalates has been associated
with causing harmful effects to growth and development and impacting brain
functions like learning, behaviour and memory.
Triclocarban/Triclosan, added to soaps and lotions as a antimicrobial has been linked to
thyroid damage, hormone disruption and neurological development. Studies have
found triclosan may harm the human immune system, which makes people
more likely to develop allergies, and reduce muscle strength in humans and
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is used to make foam so found in most foaming skin care products
including shampoo, soap and toothpaste. Products containing sodium lauryl
sulphate cause skin damage, permanent eye damage, and liver toxicity. The
manufacturing process also contaminates this ingredient with carcinogenic
by-products 1,4-dioxane that suppress the immune system.
Aluminium is a toxic
metal found in nearly everything including deodorant and shampoo. Because it is
applied to skin near the breast the chemical absorption creates an estrogen
like affect that eventually disrupts the function of the endocrine system. It also clogs lymph nodes leading to cancer that can spread quickly around the lymphatic system.
Parabens are a
synthetic preservative found in cosmetic and skin care products. Parabens have
properties similar to estrogen and are linked to breast cancer, to severe
allergies and disruption of the endocrine system functioning.
Synthetic Formaldehyde is a highly toxic volatile organic compound found in nail polish. When
it vaporises it is carcinogenic and toxic to the liver.
Toluene is found in
nail polish and cosmetics and is a neurotoxin that affects brain function and
the nervous system.
Lead a known
neurotoxin that has no safe level of exposure, is found in women’s
lipsticks. A study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discovered lead in
400 lipsticks tested. In adults, long-term lead exposure can affect the
nervous system, interfere with normal brain development and result in slight
blood pressure increases and anemia. In children, it can cause serious brain
damage, impairing cognitive and memory abilities. Everyone has heard about harmful effects of lead-based paints, why would you apply it around your mouth?
Natural Alternatives:
If you are not up for home made remedies use certified organic products
Moisturiser: Coconut oil
(you only need the tiniest amount)
Toner: Hydrogen
peroxide 3%
Exfoliator: Honey and
baking soda
Soap: Castile
Toothpaste: Baking
soda, coconut oil, hydrogen peroxide and peppermint oil
Nail Polish: If this is a must there are a number of brands that omit the most publicised harmful chemicals.
What natural remedies do you use?
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